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Forty Nights


Forty Nights

SKU: 9781761150586 Category: Product ID: 424643


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Title: Forty Nights
Publication date: 06/07/2022
Price: $35.00
Publishing status: Active

Tishtar runs a small legal practice in Melbourne where he has a new client, Habiba, who seeks to bring her orphan nieces to Australia from war-torn Somalia. He is also a migrant, having left the civil unrest in Iran to find a new life in a new country.

As Tishtar becomes consumed with Habiba’s tales of war-torn Somalia, his own childhood memories return and he reflects on the time he spent at his grandmother’s house to escape the atrocities that unravelled post the Islamic Revolution. While at his grandmother’s house he comes to know Gretel, another lost soul who has experienced a community torn apart by division. Tishtar embarks on a journey in search of peace – for Habiba, for Gretel, for himself.

Spanning continents and centuries, Forty Nights is a tale of the ongoing effects of dispossession and dislocation – a struggle humankind has faced long into its past. Ultimately it is the story of finding home, wherever that might be.

ISBN: 9781761150586
Dimension: 216mm X 153mm
Pages: 320
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 216 × 153 mm