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Corruption of Capitalism, The: Why rentiers thrive & work does not pay


Corruption of Capitalism, The: Why rentiers thrive & work does not pay

SKU: 9781785906817 Category: Product ID: 301219


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Title: Corruption of Capitalism, The: Why rentiers thrive & work does not pay
Publication date: 01/10/2021
Price: $23.00
Publishing status: Active

When it was originally published in 2016, The Corruption of Capitalism introduced the concept of rentier capitalism, whereby a small, rich cadre controls access to property and profit without actually contributing to society. In this third edition of his bestselling polemic, celebrated labour economist Guy Standing brings his tale of corruption up to date to encompass debates around the pandemic slump and Brexit.

There is a lie at the heart of global capitalism. Politicians, financiers and global bureaucrats claim to believe in free competitive markets, but they have constructed the most unfree market system ever.

It is corrupt because income is channelled to the owners of property financial, physical and intellectual at the expense of society.

This classic book reveals how global capitalism is rigged in favour of rentiers to the detriment of the precariat and others an inequity that has been made starker by the advent of coronavirus. A plutocracy and elite enriches itself not through production of goods and services but through ownership of assets and the privatisation of public services. Meanwhile, wages stagnate as labour markets are transformed by outsourcing, automation and the on-demand economy, generating more rental income while expanding the precariat

ISBN: 9781785906817
Dimension: 198mm X 129mm
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 198 × 129 mm