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Locals, The


Locals, The

SKU: 9781472151933 Category: Product ID: 83411


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Title: Locals, The
Publication date: 10/08/2017
Imprint: CORSAIR
Price: $28.00
Publishing status: Active

A rural, working class New England town elects as its mayor a New York hedge fund millionaire in this urgent and inspired novel for our times. Mark Firth is a home builder in Howland, Massachusetts who, after being swindled by a financial advisor, feels opportunity passing him and his family by. What future can he promise to his wife Karen and their young daughter Haley? When a wealthy money manager, Philip Hadi, moves to Howland to escape post-9/11 New York, he hires Mark to turn his his house into a secure location. The collision of these two men’s very different worlds — rural vs urban, middle class vs rich — propels Jonathan Dee’s powerful new novel. After the town’s first selectman passes away suddenly, Hadi runs for office and begins subtly transforming the town in his image with unexpected results for Mark and his extended family. THE LOCALS is that rare work of fiction capable of capturing a fraught American moment in real time. It is also a novel that is timeless in its depiction of American small town life.

ISBN: 9781472151933
Weight: 524g
Dimension: 160mm X 234mm
Pages: 400

Additional information

Weight 524 g
Dimensions 160 × 234 mm